All Used Up
Materials: Left over sock yarn, MC (main color) approximately 40-60g; CC (contrasting color) approximately 15-25g.
Needles: Size US 2 (2.75mm)
Notions: Stitch Marker, Darning Needle
Size: Women’s Medium (shoe size 7-9)
This pattern is written for one long circular needle, but can be used with any method. This is a great way to use up those ½ skeins of yarn left over after you make a pair of socks! If you are using self-striping yarn, check ahead of time to make sure that the color changes will match up at the end (one skein may have more yardage left over than the other and you may find that the second sock doesn’t have enough to match the first). If you check ahead you can find out which skein is shorter and determine the length of the leg by that one.
With CC cast on 12 stitches to each needle using Judy’s Magic Cast On.
Knit one round.
Rnd 1: K1, LRinc, K to last stitch, LLinc, K1.
Rnd 2: Knit
LRinc is a right leaning increase. Lift the right side of the stitch below the next stitch on the left hand needle; place it on the left needle and knit into its front leg. LLinc is a left leaning increase. Lift the left side of the stitch two stitches below the last one on the right needle; place it on the left needle and knit through its back leg.
Complete these two rounds until there are 32 stitches on each needle for a total of 64 stitches.
Switch to MC and start working pattern stitch on instep needle only.
Pattern Stitch
Rnd 1: Knit
Rnd 2: *P2, K4, repeat from * to last two stitches, P2.
Continue knitting these two rounds until sock measures 2” less than desired foot length. End with Rnd 2.
Switch to CC and begin heel. This is a short row heel working on half the total stitches while the instep stitches remain resting on the cable.
Knit across heel stitches to last stitch, do not knit the last stitch. Turn work, slip the first stitch on the left hand needle and purl back, leaving the last stitch unworked. Turn work, slip the first stitch and knit across to the last two stitches, leave these two stitches unworked. Continue knitting one less stitch across each row in this manner until 10 working stitches are left.
Turn work, slip the first stitch and knit across 8 stitches, knit the next two stitches together, then pick up one leg of the stitch in the gap between the stitches you just knit together and the next ones on the needle and knit through it creating one stitch to compensate for the decrease. Turn work, slip the first stitch and purl across 8 stitches, purl the next two stitches together, then pick up one leg of the stitch in the gap between the stitches you just purled together and the next ones on the needle and purl through it creating one stitch to compensate for the decrease. Continue in this manner until you are back to 32 stitches and all stitches have been worked. If you are short by one, create one at the end of the last row in the same manner as before.
Switch to MC and begin leg.
Rnd 1: Knit
Rnd 2: K1, P1, K4, *P2, K4, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, P1, K1. Repeat this pattern twice around the leg. The start of the round should be after the end of the heel and should match up with the start of the instep stitches.
Repeat these two rounds until the leg is the desired length or you run out of yarn.
Switch to CC and knit one round.
Work in K2, P2 ribbing for 1” to 1 ½”. Bind off using EZ’s Easy Sew Bind off.
Weave in all ends and enjoy!
Judy’s Magic Cast On
Cat Bordhi’s Toe Increases Video
Priscilla Wild’s No Muss No Fuss Short Row Heel (Video) or Lifestyle Socks Pattern
EZ’s Easy Sew Bind Off or Video
Pattern by Angela Trun. Not to be sold or re-distributed for monetary gain. Permission for personal use only. 1/29/09
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