Sunday, December 2, 2007

Knitting & Unknitting ...

Its still chilly out there and feels like snow ... now why can't it snow during the weekend when we are home anyway instead of Monday?!?!

Anyway. I got another ornament started this weekend. I think I spent about 2 1/2 hours on it so far. I was doing it while watching TV so one hour I was only knitting during commercials, so I didn't count that, LOL! The instructions say to put the initial on with duplicate stitch after the seams are grafted, this doesn't make sense to me at all so I have been doing it once the front is completed then I continue with the shoulder seams and sleeves and finally graft the sleeves and side seams together. How can you do duplicate stitch on something so small once its seamed together?!?! The body of the sweater is only 2" wide!

And this is the un-knitting done today. I am making these socks on a simple 5 DPN pattern, but I am using Magic Loop. Most patterns say to leave 2" and begin the toe, so that's what I did here, though it didn't say. Then I noticed that this pattern was straight decrease rounds, so I figured it I did a knit round in between that would be OK ... then realized even with a knit round in between that I would only need 1" for the toe ... so I unknit the 6 or so rows that I did decreases and knit rounds to get back to 2" from the end, now I will knit 1" from the end and then do the decreases still with knit rounds in between and that should work out to the correct length. Geesh! Lesson learned!

I am still catching up on TV shows! Looks like Life is on twice this week ... Monday and Wednesday nights - so I will have to tape those episodes since I am just now up to 10/24. I am also going to check out the Sci-Fi channel mini series Tin Man, which looks like they are re-playing quite a bit this week and next weekend :o)


Anita said...

I agree, how would you do that duplicate stitch?? I think you came up with the perfect way to accomplish that, those little sweaters are just too cute!!

sunneshine said...

THat little sweater is great - just saw a bunch like it at Anthropologie - not as cute as yours! I love the way the sweater and sock look together!